The department of Anatomy is the first department one encounters when entering through the magnificent front of almamater.
The Department has an extensive teaching program, for the students which also include training workshops / seminars for teachers of the subject. The undergraduate Curriculum includes effective internal assessment policies, video based, book based training and PBL (problem based learning), lectures and intensive dissection. All this is being managed by a committed team of experienced and highly skilled teachers.
There is a modern mortuary in the department and a spacious dissection hall thus providing students the chance of invasion into the world of divine architecture. A state of art museum having an ample number of cadaveric specimens, models of gross and development Anatomy helps students groom their vision in the subject. Histology section is another important tributary of the subject. It is a major teaching site for undergraduates and can meet the microscope requirement for postgraduates as well. It is equipped with high quality microscopes and a multi head for students with a view to share the treasure of ravishing colored slides on every tissue of the human body.